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Technology and mechanism of action

Re5 depression treatment uses Transcranial Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (T-PEMF) to stimulate brain activity by affecting brain cells throughout the cerebrum. The patented Re5 device, consisting of a pulse generator and a headset with 7 connected magnetic coils, ensures a unique and uniform electromagnetic stimulation of the entire brain.
Technological foundation
  • Pulsed energy fields: Re5 T-PEMF mimics the natural electric fields measured around brain cells, making the treatment almost imperceptible to the patient. The generated electrical pulses (several hundred per second) stimulate the brain's electrical fields in nerve and supporting tissue cells
  • Neuronal stimulation: The stimulation activates neurons and cells in the microscopic blood vessels (capillaries), which model studies have shown to promote the release of essential neurotransmitters that support neuronal growth and activity
Clinical effects
  • Increased neuroplasticity: Stimulation with Re5 technology increases the rate of synaptic changes, improving the brain's ability to adapt and change. This is believed to be a key factor in the observed clinical effects in patients
  • Proven results: Re5 technology has proven effective in randomized clinical trials for both depression and Parkinson's disease
Neurochemical effects
  • Activation of neurotransmitters and capillaries
  • Improved blood flow and increased tissue oxygenation
  • Increased neuroplasticity
If you want to explore the specific cellular mechanisms that are affected during the course of treatment, below you will find the basic research that forms the foundation of Re5 technology.

Basic research

Pulsed electric fields stimulate microglial transmitter release of VEGF, IL-8 and GLP-1 and activate endothelial cells through paracrine signaling (2023)

Interactions of Low-Frequency, Pulsed
Electromagnetic Fields with Living Tissue:
Biochemical Responses and Clinical Results (2005)

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